Estimating Monthly Child Support Payments

Aug 2, 2017Child Support0 comments

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The Texas Academy of Family Law Specialist is a professional organization of Board Certified family law attorneys.
IAFL is a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries.
The Texas Bar College is a professional society of legal scholars who are leaders in the Texas legal community and champions of legal education.

Estimating Monthly Child Support Payments can be crucial for Texas parents who have filed for divorce and are facing financial challenges. If the parent is granted primary custody of the children, it’s possible for them to receive monthly child support payments from the other parent. Texas, like other states, offers child support calculator tools to help the custodial parent estimate the expected monthly payments.

In order to get a child support estimation, the custodial parent will need financial documentation. This should include both parents’ monthly income, any tax benefits either parent receives and the amount of debt the former couple is responsible for paying. There are other factors that could have an impact on the monthly child support payments, such as how much time the child spends with each parent.

It should be noted, however, that the child support calculator can only estimate child support. Once the parent formerly requests child support, the actual amount he or she may receive could be vastly different that what the calculator estimated. This is because the judge could incorporate additional costs into the calculation, especially if the child has special medical needs or if the parents have agreed to private school.

Once a child support order is in place, the noncustodial parent is responsible for making timely payments to help with the costs of raising a child. While there are many noncustodial parents who follow the order and make the payments, others try to dodge their financial responsibilities. In these cases, an attorney could go back to the court that issued the order for child support enforcement. A judge can help the custodial parent get the child support he or she is owed by garnishing the other parent’s wages and other methods.

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